17 October 2018

19 May 2018


love me or look upon me with disdain,
like me or consider me irrelevant, 

this person before you
this that I am
the glue you're too bored to find a solvent for

I am your creation, Magister. 

17 March 2018

Anxious Times in New York

that anger shivered like an autumn leaf
as the angler celebrated his pyrrhic victory

paths diverged to opposite sides of the day
and wounded by the barb

yes, I glimpsed backwards
as you may have surmised

to a strut, to a stroll,
to a cup of coffee tall
and the plaid hips she had

08 March 2018


Snowdrops in snow
An anthology of them
At the clearing a wind howls
The sound reiterated

I observe the plant’s growing habit 
Stem piercing earth

A petal has been detached 

Fantastical visions — snow falling
Light brushings — a passing stroke

I reach for spectacles: 
Our world revealed 
Less placid but more silent

Crowded snowdrops in bud in snow
And one page, one, one page