1: Night
One by one
Lights flicker and snuff out
The city is shutting down
A street organ is playing
Spinning the music of long ago
Songs of desire and loss
Songs of betrayal
Wine-soaked singing
Molasses the sounds
Drifting in the jasmine scented night
2: A Dream
Come to me shadow and starlight
Come for one unmeasured moment
I want
Flesh to flesh
Your stubbled salt cheek
They were two
And holding hands
Before, I had known them as one and one
The girl's hair yellow like ripened lemons
Fell in sharp angles around her face
Her man laughed a confident laugh
He enjoyed laughter
I understood
Too late Too close to twilight
Too late Too close to twilight
After the ravages took hold
I took stock
We wandered leisurely on the promenade
Heading westward toward the tower
It was a prison once
Its captives, who were they?
Bruised souls with forgotten names
Their screaming silenced now
and ashes, ashes
returning southward to a home lost
ashes moving through space
dispersing over the beloved hills
over the familiar sea
she carried her numbers, bright blue
4: Time
We sailed into the small hours
The two-masted caique was brightly lit
Its crew calling for passengers
He was first on the gangplank
And it was a floating bar we walked into
No particular time chuckled the waitress
We close when we run out of customers
Heineken with a light misting of seawater
He said
He said
This drink has a pleasing taste,
Produced by hugging
Produced by hugging
The gunwale with one hand
A mug of beer with the other
We swung by our table for refills
As the boat rocked
As the breeze picked up
Our careless chatter
The broken clock
We are sailing still