Mid-March returned with
Grey pearl sky of elsewhere
Familiar the opaque murky essence
Parceled into rectangles
Each pane the same melancholy hue
A solitary hawk
Frequent companion
Of my cloistered awakenings
Circled the oak
Lenses mapping
The barren view
The raptor decides:
A glide, a swerve
A clutch mangles
There is no camouflage for game
Beneath my bedclothes
Till dreams kindle remembrance
I gazed off the starboard bow
Amid the steel blue of depth and height
My vision burning umber
The memory of an impermeable clasp
Unmeasured brightness, unmeasured sorrow
The chaste huntress and the luscious cunt
Slay them
As I am spinning, spinning
Spinning stained umber
I fall off into the roundness of the earth